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Before 5am Blueprint Pdf Download Free

Get 8 Free Bonuses!

Inside the book you will find a *secret website with 8 free resources to help jumpstart your productivity.

Free Bonuses with The 5 AM Miracle Book

FREE Access to ALL 8 of these Bonuses …

✓ 1. The 5 AM Workbook
✓ 2. The 5 AM Blueprint: 30-Day Action Plan
✓ 3. Daily Rituals Template
✓ 4. Ideal Week Template
✓ 5. Weekly Review Template
✓ 6. Monthly Review Template
✓ 7. Quarterly Review Template
✓ 8. Annual Review Template

*Secret link in Chapter 7, page 95

Designed for High Achievers

The 5 AM Miracle was created for you, the high achiever, with a wild passion for life, and in search of a structured system that will hone your passions, clarify your big goals, and produce real, amazing results.

What exactly is a 5 AM Miracle?

The extraordinary act of dominating your day before breakfast, intentionally bouncing out of bed bright and early in order to make significant progress on your grandest goals.

In short, the miracle is the phenomenal progress that can be achieved in the early morning hours when the world is quiet and there is nothing standing between you and what matters most

1. Begin Your Day the Right Way

I am a believer in intentionality. Choosing to wake up with a written plan is something most people just never do, and it's astonishing how much it can change your life once you embrace this single habit.

2. The 5 AM Blueprint: 7 Steps to Extraordinary Productivity

The bulk of the book breaks down my blueprint for unprecedented progress. From healthy habits and productivity strategies, to review systems and professional-grade daily routines, you will find more actionable content than you could possibly imagine.

3. Built-In 30-Day Action Plan

Let's not forget that at the end of the book I summarize the multitude of ideas into an easy-to-follow 30-day plan just so you have a clear plan of action.

Frequently Asked Questions

No worries. I've got you covered.

1. What exactly is a 5 AM Miracle?

The extraordinary act of dominating your day before breakfast, intentionally bouncing out of bed bright and early in order to make significant progress on your grandest goals.

In short, the miracle is the phenomenal progress that can be achieved in the early morning hours when the world is quiet and there is nothing standing between you and what matters most

2. Do I have to wake up at 5:00 am?

No! My goal is to help you achieve your goals, not necessarily to wake up early to do so.

How you achieve your goals is up to you, and I am here to provide simple structure and easy-to-follow systems to get you there faster!

3. Can I still have a miracle even if I'm a night owl?

Yes! There is no requirement to become an early morning person in order to be more productive.

The miracle is the phenomenal progress that can be achieved when you intentionally plan your time and work on something important.

Though I would make the argument that early risers are more productive over time, if staying up late works for you then stick with it.

Just be sure to avoid typical late-night time-wasting tendencies (e.g. watching TV, social activities, working when you're too tired, etc.).

4. What if I have an irregular schedule?

This can still work. Having a schedule that flexes from day-to-day does not preclude you from being productive.

The goal is to be intentional, which in this case means staying on top of your schedule more so than someone with a predictable schedule.

Make a list of the key activities you want to work on when free time shows up. Then, take advantage of that open space in your calendar by working through that list.

5. Is there a community I can join?

Yes! The best place to get connected with other ambitious early risers is The 5 AM Miracle Community group on Facebook.

In the community you can ask questions, help others, and share resources as you make your way towards a more productive life.

6. Where can I get help?

If you have any questions while pursuing your own 5 AM Miracle, I highly recommend you check with the amazing community on Facebook.

You can also check my FAQ page and even contact me.


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